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Frequently asked questions
While the focus is on supporting women, the program is inclusive for all and individuals of all genders are welcome to apply.
Absolutely, the program is open to individuals with a consecutive career break of 2 or more years.
Participants will be paired with a business mentor to provide guidance on navigating the company and networking. It’s a personalized support system tailored to your individual needs.
Micron offers a platform for upskilling and reskilling to ensure that participants can enhance and update their skills to align with current industry standards. Employees are also eligible for Micron’s Tuition Assistance program to support further credentials/education pathways.
While you can apply for any role at Micron, the Women Elevated program is currently hiring for specific roles in Sales, Marketing, Supply Chain, IT, People Team and Finance.
You will know if a role you are interested in applying for is part of the 16-week Women Elevated program per the title and job description.
Interested candidates can apply directly through our official job postings or reach out via email to careerreentry@micron.com for more information.
Micron and Women Elevated are part of the STEM Reentry Task Force, the groundbreaking career reentry initiative co-led by the Society of Women Engineers and iRelaunch