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Today is International Transgender Day of Visibility. This day celebrates the lives and successes of transgender and gender nonconforming people. In addition, the day serves as a platform to raise awareness of transgender rights. In recognition of our support for this community, Micron is flying the transgender flag at many of our sites around the world – serving as a sign that we respect and value all team members for bringing their authentic selves to work at Micron.
As the executive sponsors of our PRIDE+Allies employee resource group, we are dedicated to advancing equality for our LGBTQ+ team members and more broadly, within the communities we serve. Transgender people face many challenges in the workplace. Key findings from this McKinsey Quarterly article highlight there are many opportunities. Here are some examples of Micron’s progress in FY21. We’ve:
- Joined the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce which advocates for expanding public sector contracting and nondiscrimination policies nationwide and identifying economic opportunities.
- Established a partnership with Out & Equal to support global LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion efforts including inclusive hiring practices and worked with their global programs team to identify partnership opportunities in India and China.
- Achieved the top score of 100 on the Corporate Equality Index for the second year in a row. Launched by The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the index serves as a national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits pertinent to LGBTQ+ employees in the U.S. Micron also recently achieved our first scores on similar indexes in Japan and India where were recognized with silver awards.
- Taken a stand against anti-LGBTQ+ state legislation along with other business leaders under the guidance of HRC.
- Offered benefits aimed at addressing the needs of LGBTQ+ team members in the U.S. such as a concierge service that helps identify medical provider resources attuned to the specific needs of this community.
- Our Team Member Advocates developed a “Coming Out in the Workplace Resource Guide” to ensure that our transgender team members are fully supported.
We know there is more to accomplish and are excited to continue the journey of making Micron a workplace for all.