
5G: Accelerating intelligence at the edge

Micron Technology | October 2020

5G cellular technology, already available in some places, promises movie downloads in the blink of an eye and speed-of-thought connectivity to make our computers, appliances, cities, and cars nearly as smart as we are. 5G coupled with ever-advancing edge devices could enable factories to run themselves while also allowing the smartphones in our pockets or handbags to capture and edit photos that rival professional photographers’ in quality. 5G promises to broaden our horizons in ways we haven’t yet imagined.

“5G is going to change the world,” Micron Senior Vice President Raj Talluri says in this forward-looking panel. “It’s going to change the way we experience technology.”

Watch the video to hear Ericsson’s Vice President and CTO Noel Kenehan, Microsoft’s Senior Principal of 5G Connectivity PM Group Rokeya Jones, and Qualcomm’s Senior Director of Technical Marketing Rasmus Hellberg, Ph.D., share their thoughts on what 5G will mean for technology itself, for business and industry and for daily life.

Some of their insights may surprise you. Jones, for instance, predicts that simply using our devices will someday add money to our bank accounts.

Of course, moderator Talluri points out, when videoconferencing first emerged, few in the industry predicted that it would ever be a thing.

“We’re in the tech business, not the prediction business,” he says with a grin. In the absence of a crystal ball, though, who better than tech innovators to see where technology will take us?

Tune in to share these experts’ vision of the 5G-enabled future, including what would surprise them in the years ahead.